
1 large garlic clove

1/2 c extra virgin olive oil

2 1/2 c lightly packed Basil

1/2 c freshly grated pecorino sardonic cheese 2 oz

5 tbls toasted pine nuts, chopped

2 tblsp whipping cream



Finely chop garlic in processor. With machine running, gradually add oil in thin steady stream.add basil by handfuls and blend until smooth. Add 1/2 c cheese and 4 tblsp pine nuts and blend until smooth. Season with salt and pepper. (can be prepared 1 wk ahead). Transfer to jar. Pour enough olive oil on top to cover.. Cover and refrigerate. Bring to room tempature and mix in excess oil before continuing). Mix cream into pesto. Fold in remaining 1 tbsp of pine nuts.

Make pasta, drain and mix in pesto.