110g passas gordo
60ml de licor de laranja
110 g escuro chocolate, dividido em quadrados
110g de manteiga sem sal
125g de açúcar refinado
175g lightlight açúcar mascavado
1 extrato de baunilha
2 ovos
150g de farinha de trigo
pitada de sal
110 g nozes picadas
Para o molho de framboesa
framboesas, (descongelados se forem congelados)
suco de limão, para aguçar
açúcar de confeiteiro, para adoçar
Mergulhe as passas no licor de laranja, pelo menos, 2 horas. Se você tem o tempo, licença para 1-2 dia, mexendo ocasionalmente.
Preheat the oven to 170C/ gas 3. Grease and line a 20cm shallow square baking tin with papel impermeável.
Put the chocolate and butter into a heatproof bowl and melt gently over a pan of barely simmering water. Stir in the two sugars and add the vanilla extract. Take the bowl off the heat - the chocolate shouldn’t be hot to the touch.
Junte os ovos, um de cada vez, and mix in the flour, pecans and raisins with their soaking liquid. It’s best not to overdo the mixing - for best results, misture bem, without resorting to any beating. If you stir too vigorously, air will be incorporated into the batter and the baked result might have a cake-like texture, rather then the fudgy texture required.
Pour the batter into the prepared tin and bake in the centre of the oven for about 30-45 minutos até o jogo, but not solid. Deixe esfriar na lata, and cut into squares for serving.
Para o molho de framboesa, rub the raspberries through a sieve to make a purée. Discard any seeds left in the sieve. Stir in a few squeezes of lemon juice - as well as improving the flavour, the lemon juice also helps in fixing the colour. Add enough icing sugar to taste. Sirva o brownies drizzled with a little raspberry sauce.