
3 pkgs (3 scant Tbsp) active dry yeast

1/3 C. luke-warm water

1/4 C. granulated sugar

1 t. vanilla

1 t. salt

3 eggs

1/2 t. citrus peel

8 T. butter, softened

2 1/2-3 C. AP Flour

1 C. golden raisins


Dissolve yeast in water, then stir in sugar, salt, lemon, butter, vanilla and egss. Mix well then gradually add in flour to soft dough consistency. Knead on floured surface until smooth. Place in well greased bowl and let rise til double (30-45 mins).

Punch down dough and knead in raisins on floured surface. Shape dough into ball and place into well greased pans (cassarole). Let rise again til double then bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes, reduce heat to 350 degrees and cook 30-40 more minutes. Cover with aluminum foil if bread is browning too quickly.