
Sweet dough (see recipe in collection) made with mint-infused milk

1 T grated orange zest

1 T Cointreau or other orange-flavored liqueur

1 large egg beaten with a pinch of salt


Stir together zest and liqueur. To finish dough, gently release risen dough from bowl and flatten slightly on floured work surface, spread with zest mixture. Fold dough in half several times, then work, slapping and stretching dough as described in sweet dough recipe, until zest mixture is incorporated. Form into a ball, transfer to a bowl, then let rise for 1 hour. Gently release dough from bowl and divide into 2 pieces. Form each into a ball, flatten with heel of hand into a rectangle about 6 x 8 inches. Fold a long edge into center and press seam down with heel of your hand. Fold opposite edge over to meet the center, pressing seam. Fold in half along seam, pressing edges to seal. Place, seam side down, on a lightly buttered baking sheet. Brush tops of loaves with egg, and when dry, cover with kitchen towel and let rise until almost doubled. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Brush each loaf again with egg. With a pair of scissors, make snips along top in a line down the center of each loaf. Transfer to oven and immediately lower temp to 400. Bake 20 - 30 mins.