Milk - 500 mls.
Water - 220 mls
Salt - 2 tsp.
Olive Oil - 3 tbsp.
Bacon Fat - 4 tsp.
Maple Syrup - 4 tbsp.
All Purpose Flour - 3 cups
Whole Wheat flour - 4 cups
Yeast - 6 tsp.
Gluten - 5 tsp
Mixed nuts - 1 1/2 - 2 cups
Heat mixing bowl and bowl to raise bread in with hot water. Heat liguid ingredients to warm. Add yeast to warm water. Mix all dry ingredients (holding back one cup of white flour) plus oil and syrup. Add the yeast when disolved and the remaining liquids gradually. When mixed add the nuts. Add remaining flour until dough pulls away from bowl while mixing.
Place in a large bowl with olive oil to lubricate dough and cover in a warm area for 25 minutes. Cover with a tea towel. Punch down and let rise a further 25 minutes. Punch down and divide into two loaf pans.
Allow to rise about 25 minutes and then place in a 390 degree(F) oven for 25-30 minutes. Place a pan of water in the oven to allow for a better crust.
Remove from oven and remove bread from pans to cool on a rack.